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Padma is a Sanskrit word which means lotus(which is a flower) and in Padmasana, position of the human legs look like blooming lotus. so the asana is called as Padmasana. Padmasana is the best sitting asana par excellence for humans. Padmasana is a sitting posture in which both the legs are cross and This asana has a importance in the world of yoga as it is best suited for Concentration, Pranayam and Meditation. In Padmasana the position of the human body is neutral. Keep the backbone straight and don't move it. If the hands of human are long then slightly bend them in elbows and take the benefit of this asana.

Benefits of Doing Padmasana :
1) Padmasana calms human brain.
2) It stretches the ankles and knees.
3) It stimulates the spine, bladder, pelvis and abdomen.

Precaution to take while doing Padmasana :
Padmasana is very simple but if you are suffering from Ankle injury or Knee injury, then avoid doing this asana.

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